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Our Natural Resources Management Program (NRMP Team) team conducted a 6 day biodiversity survey of Mt Kovilati in Ubaigubi Village from the 25th – 30th of May. The NRMP team comprised of the Program Coordinator – Billy Huanaromo, the Conservation Officer – Tabbie Kafare and our Field Assistant – John Robert. The team supervised and assisted the 12 Basic Biodiversity Survey Techniques Trainees in conducting the survey. Based on prior informant interviews conducted in February, the team narrowed their survey to several indicator fauna species that had IUCN Red List significance as well as innate cultural values. These species are:
i.                    Salvadori’s Teal (Salvadorina waigiuensis)
ii.                  Raggiana Bird of Paradise (Paradiseae raggiana)
iii.                Eastern Long Beaked Echidna (Zaglossus bartoni)
iv.                Good fellows Tree Kangaroo (Dendrolagus goodfellowi)
v.                  King of Saxony Bird of Paradise (Pteridophora alberti)
vi.                Blue Bird of Paradise (Paradisornis rudolphi)

The survey was concluded with over 25 bird sightings and calls heard while 10 mammals were observed. The survey was conducted between 2400 meters above seal level to 2600 meters above sea level. Based on the findings of this survey, RCF will produce awareness and education materials to conduct awareness sessions in the community on these indicator species. This survey is part of the UNDP Global Environmental Facility SGP Project titled ‘Enhancing Community Capacity to Adapt to the Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity in Ubaigubi community, Lufa District, Eastern Highlands Province.

Report on Biodiversity inventory at the CMWMA – Ubaigubi Final